The Power of Color in the Office

It is often said that a change of scenery can dramatically improve one’s mood and outlook on life. But did you know that the colors around you can also have a significant impact on your mental state? Studies have shown that the color of a space can influence your emotions, productivity, and overall well-being. In the workplace, this means that careful consideration should be given to the colors of the office environment. Let’s explore the power of color in the office and discuss how it can be used to improve morale, focus, and productivity. We will also look at the best ways to use color in the office to maximize the benefits. By following along with the ROYGBV (red-orange-yellow-green-blue-violet) layout, we can best determine how and where to use these colors depending on your workplace. 

Red – The Color of Excitement 

red LAOP

Red is often seen as a vibrant and energetic color, which makes it a great choice for a workplace environment. Red has the power to stimulate energy and can help boost workers’ productivity, focus, and motivation.  

It can also make people feel more positive and energized, making it a great choice for a school, food service establishment, or breakroom. In an office setting, red should be used in areas where creativity and productivity are paramount, such as conference rooms and brainstorming areas.  

Orange – The Color of Creativity 

Orange is known to be a bright and creative color that often invokes feelings of enthusiasm, stimulation, and excitement. In workplace settings, the color orange can be used to promote creativity and collaboration among colleagues. Orange often works best in art schools, graphic design offices, and other highly creative workplaces to encourage creativity in projects, spark ideas, and facilitate new ways of solving problems.  

For businesses that don’t have as large of an artistic focus as design studios or art schools, orange can still be used to promote creativity by adding accessories such as pillows, lamps, or paintings as an effective way to create a vibrant atmosphere without taking away from the office aesthetic. By implementing orange into the workspace, companies can foster a more creative and productive environment for their employees. 

Yellow – The Color of Happiness 

Yellow is a cheerful hue, often associated with sunshine and light. This color is ideal for creative and innovative offices, as it stimulates creativity and ideas. When used strategically, this color can help reduce stress levels and increase mental clarity, making it great for any workplace. Yellow is especially beneficial for meeting rooms and brainstorming sessions, where it can help stimulate conversation and collaboration.  

On a more symbolic level, yellow is the perfect color to remind us of sunshine and the power of positivity. It is a great way to bring sunshine into an office, even on the grayest of days. When we look at yellow, it reminds us of happy times and good feelings that we associate with sunshine. It can also help motivate us to stay focused and productive in our work. 

Green – The Color of Relaxation

Green is one of the most calming colors, most often associated with nature and the outdoors. Studies have shown that spending time in green spaces can reduce stress and anxiety and increase feelings of well-being. This makes it an excellent choice for use in all office spaces, as it can help promote a more relaxed atmosphere. Green is easily incorporated through Biophilic Design to use natural elements in a space. Adding plants around the office or building a living plant wall will not only bring in some natural elements to the space but also help to improve both mental health and physical health. Plants can help to reduce noise levels, create better air quality, and even boost productivity. 

Overall, green is an excellent choice for offices, spas, schools, or luxury restaurants because of its calming qualities and ability to promote relaxation and productivity. By adding plants and green elements around the office, you can create a space that is relaxing and productive at the same time. 

Blue – The Color of Productivity 

blue in office

Blue is a strong color that can have a significant impact on the moods and productivity levels of those in the office. Shades of blue are associated with feelings of openness, creativity, and productivity and can remind us of clear skies and vast oceans, creating a sense of awe and appreciation. 

Scientifically speaking, blue is known to have a calming effect on the mind, promoting focus and concentration. Studies have shown that blue increases productivity and performance, helping to create an environment where people feel more motivated and inspired to work. Furthermore, blue has been linked to improved memory recollection, making it an excellent choice for office settings, healthcare facilities, and schools.   

Violet – The Color of Royalty 

When it comes to color in the office, it is important to choose one that speaks to professionalism and strength. One color that does just that is violet or purple. Violet is most closely associated with royalty, wealth, and luxury. It is often seen as a sign of sophistication and refinement. When used strategically in an office setting, it can give off the impression of success and strength. 

Violet can also be used to bring a sense of calm to the office. While some hues are bright and stimulating, other tones of violet can be used to create a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. A few accents of light violet can instantly add warmth and calming to a doctor’s office, school, clothing store, or corporate office, making it feel more inviting. 

For a truly impressive display of confidence, try pairing violet with silver or white. This powerful combination conveys the ultimate level of authority. Alternatively, if you want to give off a sense of creativity, try pairing it with vibrant yellows or oranges. 

Create Your Perfect Workplace 

After finding what color works best for you, use it strategically to make a statement and impress your customers and clients. Whichever colors you choose to showcase, be specific in your usage. Too much or too little can look haphazard or under-thought. Work with the talented designers at LAOP to find the perfect level of color in your workplace. 

Private Workspaces: Your Space, Your Way

Creating a private and personal workspace in the modern office can be a challenge. Working in an open office environment often means competing for resources, space and privacy. But it doesn’t have to be that way. How do you create a private and personal workspace in a modern office setting and make the most of your space? With the right combination of creativity, organization and design, you can create a workstation that is both private and personal. So, let’s get started!

The Rise of the Open Office

Open workplace environment

The concept of the open office has been around for decades, but it’s become increasingly popular in recent years. Open offices are designed to encourage collaboration and communication between employees, while also promoting an atmosphere of transparency.

Unfortunately, they often don’t provide the level of privacy or personalization that many people need in order to be productive. This can result in an environment that’s filled with too much noise and distraction, making it difficult to focus and concentrate on important tasks.

Additionally, open offices don’t provide much room for individual expression or creativity since everyone is expected to work in the same way. Without the option for privacy and personalization, open office layouts can make it hard for some workers to feel comfortable and fulfilled in their jobs.

The Need for Privacy and Personalization

Private desk space with laptop and extra monitor

Having a private and personal workspace in the office can help ensure that your employees have enough space and resources to complete their tasks without feeling cramped or exposed. This helps create an atmosphere of productivity and focus, as people can concentrate on their tasks without interruption. Additionally, having private and personalized workspaces allows for more intimate meetings and discussions, as well as creating a sense of ownership and belonging within the workplace. This can lead to increased office morale as everyone is able to feel like they have a space they can call their own.

In addition to providing more privacy and personalization, creating private workspaces can also help employees be more productive during their workdays. With their own private area to work, employees can avoid distractions and stay focused on their tasks. Private workspaces also allow for small meetings, brainstorming sessions and creative projects, which can lead to increased productivity and better ideas for the company as a whole.

Tips for Creating Private and Personal Workspaces

Women working on their laptops

For those who want to remain in the open office environment, creating touchdown spaces throughout the office can provide a more private space to work when needed. These areas can have lounge chairs, couches, or comfortable seating arranged in an inviting manner with power access points throughout. A few plants or other decorations can help add to the ambiance and make it feel more like a personal space.

Glass-paneled partitions are another option for those who need a bit of privacy, but don’t want to give up the feeling of an open office. These panels provide a visual barrier that is effective in blocking out noise and other distractions, while still allowing for interaction between colleagues.

Another great option for creating private workspaces is to add small, enclosed rooms or cubbies where one can go to escape from the hustle and bustle of the office. These cubicles should be designed with comfort and productivity in mind and can be decorated with furniture, artwork, plants and other decorations to make it feel more like your own personal space.

The Benefits of Private and Personal Workspaces

Man and a woman looking at a laptop, pencil pointing at the screen

With the rise of the open office, hot-desking for hybrid workers and shared workspaces, the need for personalization and privacy has grown significantly. Studies have shown that having a personal workspace can help increase productivity and creativity, as well as give employees a sense of ownership of their space.

A private workspace can help to reduce distractions and increase focus, providing an environment where people feel comfortable working without interruption. Personal space can also improve morale, as employees are given an area to decorate and make their own, which can help them to feel more connected with their job. Furthermore, these spaces can also help to promote collaboration between colleagues, as there is room for informal meetings or brainstorming sessions.

Create Community in Your Office Culture

Office meeting with several workers at a brown table

In addition to the above benefits, having a personal workspace can also help to foster a sense of community in the office. By having their own space, each employee will be able to showcase their individual style and preferences, allowing them to express themselves and connect with others. This in turn can create a more positive atmosphere in the workplace and make people feel more at ease.

Make It Work for You

Overall, it’s clear that having private and personal workspaces in the modern office is highly beneficial for both employers and employees. Not only does it allow individuals to be more productive and creative, but it can also help to promote a sense of community within the office.

By taking these steps to create private and personal workspaces within an open office, you can get the best of both worlds—the energy and collaboration of an open environment combined with the privacy and focus of a more traditional office space. So, if you’re looking to create a better working environment, investing in private and personal workspaces is worth considering.