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Louisiana Office Products
ergonomic furniture

Ergonomic Furniture

Adjustable height desks have been proven to help with improving posture, increasing blood circulation, boosting mood and focus. From all of that you can reduce the risk of heart-related maladies.  

Not only do adjustable desks help, but the correct seating can also lead to improved health. From adjustable stools, ergonomic desk chairs, properly supported reception seating, and even anti-fatigue standing mats, you can help keep everyone comfortable with ease. 

The Benefits of Ergonomic Furniture

More than 50% of all workplace injuries can come from sustained stress injuries. These can be avoided by using ergonomic furniture and products. Stop problems before they begin. 

Here are a few of LAOP’s reasons for encouraging you to use ergonomic furniture in your workplace:   

  • Improves Executive Function  
  • Improves Blood Circulation for Improved Comfort  
  • Improves Focus & Mood  
  • Decreases Bodily Stress 
  • Decreases Anxiety  
  • Decreases Pain